Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Using PDFs

I keep getting calls from students who can't access their online course documents, like the syllabus or the course outline, because their professors upload them in Word format instead of saving them as PDFs, as I have asked them to do for years.  The Library still deals with students printing out full page slides for PowerPoint files rather than handouts, because faculty upload the PowerPoint file rather than saving the handout in PDF format, and students print the default slides rather than change to handouts.

The only time you need to upload a Word document to Learn is when it is a document the student needs to edit and resubmit back to you.  All other times, you should use PDFs - and even then, you should consider a PDF with a fillable form. For example, in my critical thinking assignment where students do experiments, I save the directions as PDF files and the data sheet they complete and submit for their assignment as a Word document.  I don't want them to be able to edit the directions, only the data sheet.

I keep taking the position that it is so easy to save documents in PDF format that there is no reason not to do, but clearly that hasn't worked.  So now I'm going to show you how much harder it is to print out something upload in Word or PowerPoint format compared to PDF.

Opening Files in Word Format vs. PDF
Opening PowerPoint File vs. a PowerPoint Handout in PDF

T to open and print a PDF in Learn takes two clicks, but to open and print a Word document or PowerPoint requires several more clicks and even changes to settings.  Remember, each click a student has to make is a click they may not make, or a click where something could go wrong.  But you can remove that technological hurdle so easily.

Saving Word Files as PDFs

Saving Word Files as PDFs Video

Save the Word Document as a PDF on Your Computer Using Office 2010/2016

  1. Open the Word document on your computer.
  2. Click the File Tab, and then select Save As.
  3. From the Save As Type drop-down menu, select PDF.
  4. Enter a File Name for the document, and select a place on your computer in which to save the file. 
  5. Click the Save button.

Saving a PowerPoint Handout as a PDF

Saving a PowerPoint Handout as a PDF Video

Save the PowerPoint Presentation Handout as a PDF on Your Computer Using Office 2010/2016

  1. Open the PowerPoint Presentation on your computer.
  2. Click the File Tab, and then select Save As.
  3. From the Save As Type drop-down menu, select PDF.
  4. Click the Options Button.
  5. Change the following settings:
    • From the Publish What drop-down menu, select Handouts
    • From the Slides per page drop-down menu, select the appropriate format.
    • Check the Frame Slides box (Optional: recommended for light background slides).
  6. Click the OK Button.
  7. Enter a File Name for the document, and select a place on your computer in which to save the file. 
  8. Click the Save button.

Uploading a PDF to Learn

Uploading a PDF file to Blackboard Learn

  1. Access your Blackboard Learn course.
  2. Navigate to the content folder or learning module to which you want to upload the file. This could be your Course Content folder on the Course menu, or another folder or learning module you create within the Course Content folder or on the Course Menu.
  3. At the top of the content folder or learning module select Build Content, and then File.
  4. In the Name field, enter the name for the file to be displayed to the student (e.g Course Syllabus or Chapter 3 PowerPoint Handout).
  5. Click the Browse Computer button, and in the Open dialog box, navigate to the PDF file on your computer that you want to upload.
  6. Click on the PDF's filename and click Open.
  7. You can choose to open the file in a new browser window; I prefer to have it open in the same window.
  8. You can set availability dates for the file to delay or limit the time period in which the students will be able to access the file.
  9. When you are done, click Submit.